i didn't shoot this for me... but i wish i had
i'm gonna be gone for awhile, some things i need to take care of
'preciate cha
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
2 inches... 4 inches... today.... 8 inches
time to weather feature hunt! but first i gotta dig my car out of this mess and slip and slide my ass into the city (i live in the mountains). the thing about new england is that its cold all the f'n time and consequently the snow doesn't really melt, it just accumulates. i'm not complaining though, now that i have some new boots to keep my feet dry.
the highlight was see'n this dog chasing frisbees in the park. if you can imagine how deep the snow was (deeper than him), he made it happen and o with such fervor. wish i could muster that kind of enthusiasm
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
i think this just might be my favorite assignment here. this couple was married by Santa in a Harley Davidson store. she had brought her son to see Santa 3 weeks ago and was put aback when Santa asked her what she would like for Christmas. "I'd like to marry that man over there," she said pointing at her boyfriend standing in the corner. well it just so happens that Santa is a justice of the peace.
still no laptop
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Friday, December 07, 2007
been really busy this week since my trip to atlanta and haven't had time to post, but man it was great, just what i needed! it was so sweet to get out of town and see loads of quality work, meet new people and schmooze with even more important ones BUT... this is what it was all about (best friends and alcohol)! now that im out of school and realizing i won't see my friends much (if at all) i value them more than ever. my time at western was hands down the best time of my life and it was all because of the people i met and the friendships we developed. its hard to describe the bonds we all have to eachother just as it is to describe our dedication to our work but maybe this might provide a window into life in WKUpj
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before flyin out of Boston, stopped at my friend Wiqan's to park my car in a neigborhood instead of paying like $35 daily at the airport. I met Wiqan and Suk at Western, Wiqan was one of those seniors i really looked up to. he's a badasss! we stayed up late drinking quality beer (he has the best taste in beer) and discussing my impending trip to Asia. here it goes: Thailand, Burma, Cambodia or Vietnam, Nepal and ending in China w/ David. by the way mom i'm thinking more like 6 months, 3 just won't cut it.
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this assignment sounded way better than it turned out. senator mcCain speakin to gen Y on mtv. i'm think he from...gen a?
(i know, i know cheap shot). i walk in and see the nicely lit set, the ironic slogans and tacky icons, money in the bank right? i'm there walk'n freely for all of 30 sec. before someone tells me i can't be there and proceed to escort me backstage. photographers went out in ten minute increments to shoot from a 5ft masked off square. the highlight of my night was getting leaned into by Christopher Morris of VII so that he could get a better angle. he smiled and apoligized. i offered him my spot, he declined. he's a really great guy, at the top of his game with no ego. God bless humility!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
a sudden death in my family has me travelin back, from new hampshire to ohio to kentucky. this brief stint in the homeland will then be followed by a deeper southern venture to atlanta, then full circle back to boston followed by a bus ride back to my car. if only i had somewhere to park.
no more posts for atleast a week
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